Peter Murphy at The Fillmore, San Francisco, CA – 5/24/05

(originally written 5.25.05)

Ticket stub, Peter Murphy at The Fillmore in San Francisco, 2005

Peter Murphy in San Francisco, 2005

We went to see Peter Murphy Β at The Fillmore last night; there were issues with the sound and Peter’s in-ears – he introduced us to Sascha, his tech, as Sascha spent more of the night than he should have running around the stage adjusting things and trying to put the in-ears back in the middle of songs while PM was singing.

Most of it was either new material or stuff from Holy Smoke and later; 4 songs from deep, if i recall correctly, two of which were in the encore: “Cuts You Up” and “Marlena Dietrich’s Favorite Poem” (which was great to hear, one of my favorites); he also did “A strange kind of love” and “deep ocean, vast sea”….The new stuff sounds like Deep II; I was hoping that he had continued down the turkish-influenced path, but apparently not. I’m a big fan of his first two solo albums and was slightly disappointed but unsurprised to not hear any songs from that era.

I don’t think I heard any Bauhaus songs, but I wasn’t expecting to.

quote of the night:

“You know, 3/4ths of that band [Bauhaus] were total primadonnas, and Peter was the QUEEN BITCH.”